Record #1

Album: Miles Davis’ “Bitches Brew” 1970

Painting: “Tilt N’ Shine”


Record #2

Album: Zappa/Mothers “Roxy & Elsewhere” 1974

Painting: “There’s No Way To Delay” 5x7” acrylic, watercolor and ink on canvas board.


Record #3

Album: Ennio Morricone “Un Film Una Musica” 1973

Painting: “C’era Una Volta Il West” 5x7” acrylic, watercolor and ink on canvas board.


Record #4

Album: Mickey & The Hartbeats ‎”Can You Pass The Acid Test? (Part One)”

Recorded live at "The Matrix" in San Francisco on October 30, 1968.

Painting: “???” 5x7” acrylic, watercolor and ink on canvas board.


Record #5

Album: Sun Ra

Painting: “???” 5x7” acrylic, watercolor and ink on canvas board.